Statements, News & Updates
Vancouver Prepares for a 2-seat By-Election April 5
City of Vancouver By-election for two seats on council will take place April 5, with many opportunities for early voting. The DSOV will be endorsing socialist candidates. Find out how to vote, and where and when.
VOTE Socialist becomes DSOV’s newest Working Group
At a recent DSOV Steering Committee meeting it was unanimously agreed that VOTE Socialist return as a working group under the DSOV umbrella, returning to its Vancouver For All roots.
Billionaires for Rustad rally in Pt Grey
Billionaires for Rustad is holding a press conference and rally Friday morning to celebrate the BC Conservatives for their support of BC’s beleaguered billionaires. Roaches for Rustad will be on hand to show their support.
We’re having fun dressing as ‘Rustad Roaches,’ but we have a serious message here: we value everyone in our communities and we will mobilize against anyone who threatens the most marginalized among us including people who use drugs, people without homes, LGBTQ youth, and people struggling with poverty.
STOP THE CON: A Call to defeat John Rustad and the BC Conservative Party
John Rustad and the newly united right wing in British Columbia are a clear and present danger that require an urgent collective response.
Food Justice For All - Assembly in the Park
What does food justice look like to you? Join us at Trout Lake Park on July 20 for discussion and food.
Free Palestine - No more Bombings - Ceasefire Now
The DSOV calls for our membership and everyone reading this to join the student encampment at UBC, join marches and street actions in your communities, or engage in direct action as you are able.
May Day Social Justice Information Fair Volley Call
The 2024 Vancouver May Day Social Justice Fair will take play May 4, 2:00 - 4:00 at Grandview Park. DSOV will be helping to host. Volunteers are needed.
BC Mayday Solidarity Summit 2024
On the eve before May Day, join us online for the BC May Day Solidarity Summit 2024 ! This summit brings class conscious organizers in B.C. together to build solidarity, strategize, and create a grassroots alternative power network.
A successful seedling party 🌱
It was a beautiful and sunny Sunday afternoon and we really enjoyed spending it with people jazzed about food security and socialism.
May Day Social Justice Information Fair
The 2024 Vancouver May Day Social Justice Fair will take play ** May 4, 2:00 - 4:00 ** at Grandview Park. DSOV will be helping to host. Volunteers are needed.
All Eyes on Rafah!
Yesterday, as many eyes were fixated on the the American Superbowl, the Israeli state began its offensive in Rafah. The small city in the far south of the Gaza Strip is already the site of a humanitarian catastrophe as more than 1.3 million displaced civilians seek shelter in a supposed ‘safe zone' (although heavy bombardment of the city has been ongoing since November 2023). Netanyahu’s plans for the “evacuation of the civilian population” is only the latest stage in Israel’s ethnic cleansing campaign of the Gaza Strip.
DSOV Statement
The Democratic Socialists of Vancouver add our voice to all those across the country and around the world urgently calling for a ceasefire and an end to the genocidal war crimes Israel is committing against the Palestinian people.
The Mutual Aid Working Group needs your help!
The Mutual Aid Working Group needs your help! Every month we distribute fresh produce, staples, and hygeine products to community pantries. By pooling our money and efforts together, we can stretch money a long way. We're able to supply 9 community pantries with a budget of $250. But to do this each month, we need support.
Pacific Gateway Hotel Workers' 1-Year Strike Rally!
Join hotel workers on the picket line to mark the 1-year strike anniversary on Thursday May 12. We’re calling on Pacific Gateway Hotel to do what’s right and return long-term staff to their pre-pandemic jobs!
BDS Teach-In With PYM Vancouver
A new DSOV Working Group ( BDS Solidarity ) includes consultations with members of DSOV and the Palestinian Youth Movement.
Welcome to the party! VOTE Socialist launches on May Day in East Van
This year’s May Day festivities in Vancouver will include the public launch of a new party running in this year’s municipal election: VOTE Socialist.
Solidarity Fridge Stock
The Democratic Socialists of Vancouver (DSoV) conduct fridge stocks on the last Saturday of every month!