Basis of Unity
The Democratic Socialists of Vancouver (DSoV) is a membership-based organization for those wanting to be part of a collective effort to organize to put people and the planet ahead of profits and greed.
We organize to develop, implement, and support campaigns for socialist policies and to push and endorse left candidates who adopt explicitly socialist platforms and principles.
The DSOV is a democratic, inclusive, and pluralist organization.
DSOV members self-identify as socialists because we reject the rigged economic order produced by capitalism and colonialism, as well as all discrimination based on race, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression, religion. We celebrate, embrace, and appreciate members of different genders, sexual preferences, ages, colours, race, religion, education level, condition of restraint within any institution, or any other category.
DSOV recognizes we live, work and organize on unceded territories of the Tsleil-Waututh, Squamish and Musqueam nations, and seek to advance decolonization in everything we do.
DSOV is a work in process, and we humbly welcome your participation in this shared work of building a better and more just world.
2. These By-Laws will govern the operation of the DSoV.
3. These By-Laws may be amended by a vote of a two-thirds majority of the members of the DSoV present at a General Meeting.
A. Purpose
This Code of Conduct helps to ensure that the behaviour of the DSOV members is in keeping with DSOV core values - within the context of building a diverse working class socialist movement. As such, we are committed to providing a welcoming and inclusive environment for all.
The aim of this Code of Conduct is to give you guidance regarding the key issues that you need to be aware of, and the standards by which you are expected to follow as a member of the DSOV. This Code applies to all DSOV-related functions and events, including meetings, committees, working groups, rallies, webinars, meetings, conferences, and all public-facing events.
B. Basic Principles
Members shall not engage in harassment on the basis of sex, disability, race, age, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, physical appearance, religion, national origin, class, age, or profession. Harassment is a form of discrimination and includes physical or verbal behaviour that offends or humiliates. Harassment is engaging in comments or conduct that is known or reasonably known to be unwelcome. This may include comments or conduct that are upsetting, disturbing or frustrating. Harassment is usually behaviour that persists over time however it can also be a one-time incident.
Rigorous debate is one of the hallmarks of any socialist organization. Such debate elicits the fullest political commitment and input from each member in order to develop a unified and collective perspective. We expect debates to be conducted with civility and respect, as comrades committed to the same struggle.
Debate and disagreements sometimes lead to disputes. When handled properly, disputes can lead to personal and organizational growth. If handled poorly, disputes often have a detrimental impact on the DSOV’s cause and organization, members, and our community.
Formalized by membership June 3, 2022